Recently I had the opportunity once again to spend some time with a couple of the best, most professional, personalities in the outdoor industry! Pat Reeve and Nicole Jones. For the third time in the last several years we were able to get together and shoot some of what I feel is my best work to date. Over the course of three days together, we shot in sunrise, sunset, full sun, overcast, light misting rain, total drenching downpour, dark of night, brush fire, and even a few snow storms! Truth is, most of the weather was just fine on location, we created all the rough stuff, so to speak. Although far from unsurmountable, creating what we felt was believable harsh weather was a challenge in it's own right. Getting the lighting right, without destroying the electronic gear in the often soaking enviorment, was the second big issue. Mixing our weather with the real weather, like the amount of light, wind, etc. was the third biggest hurdle. It took time and I know it was pretty miserable for Pat and Nicole being wet and cold most of the time but to their credit they toughed it out and we made some great pictures together, again! The few shots below are just a small sample of the work that came out of our time together. I can't wait for next time!