The shot above is sort of a new thing for me, shooting more indoors rather than outdoors. I would have thought it to have been simpler, even much simpler, than the normal struggles that I have shooting things outdoors. I never realized just how demanding shooting in a studio can get to be. I guess it's one of those "Grass is always greener on the other side", sort of moments. There were several nights I was still up shooting at 2 and 3 in the morning. I did find that there were some benefits to shooting indoors. I could just look out the window and watch the snow fall, or the rain, or the wind blow, or the temperature drop, and just chuckle and bump up the thermostat a degree or two. Indoors was also the reason I was still able to be shooting into the wee hours of the morning. And too I was fortunate enough to have outside work as well to beat down the cabin/studio fever thing. Below is another shot I liked from a multi-day Realtree shoot at the farm in Kentucky. I've come home for about 5 days now for Easter and will head back out right after Easter. The first couple days will be for a Realtree editorial shoot in Western KY, then it will be back to the farm on the east side of the state for a few days of shooting with an optics company and then quick shoot with a company that makes deer mineral products. At the same time, a couple friends from home will be in putting a roof on my porch using some 10 foot tall cedar trees that we cut to use as supports. It's going to be hectic for a while. I hope someone knows whose making the donuts! About the time that all winds down, we'll start getting into turkey season in KY. A couple friends will be joining me there to hunt and we'll even have a couple TV shows in to film a couple hunts. I am so looking forward to this spring!