I just got the PDF's of a couple of ads that Realtree built using one of my images. In the horizontal ad, the image on the right is mine while the other belongs to Brad Herndon. Brad had been the primary photographer for Realtree's effectiveness photography I guess form the start and up until this past year when he decide that he wanted to sort of retire from it. If you saw an ad in a magazine or poster or about anywhere that showed you how well you couldn't see a hunter in Realtree, then you have seen Brad's work. Brad has taught me an enormous amount in a very short time and brought me up to speed to fill in as best as possible for him, although I know I'm no Brad. It is good to see, and I take a lot of pride in the fact that a company with the prominence of Realtree is using me, and my work. I'm looking very forward to the first time I see either of these ads in print on a newsstand somewhere!