I seem to be spending a bunch of time away from home the last couple of months. One reason is all the work involved in getting the Kentucky home up and running, so to speak. The second reason is that work has been a lot steadier this year than the same period last year. That is a real good thing! The pup above is Luke the Drifter. He belongs to a buddy of mine that I spent some time with recently, Tony Smotherman. Otherwise known as the Travelin' Hunter. While I was there in Nashville with him we shot some images for his new upcoming project, and a few "just cuz" pix. I'm thinking that ol' Luke here will make some sort of apearance in my Dogtra work soon. The image below is one of the other images I really liked that came out of this trip.
The rest of the summer is booking up pretty quickly as well. Looks like at least one or two more trips to Nashville for work, a trip to Mississippi for the POMA Conference, some fishing photography in Michigan and perhaps Florida, and of course more personal work and payoing work in Kentucky.