A little while back a friend of mine who owns Game Plan Gear, (http://www.gameplangear.com/), dropped by the Kentucky farm to shoot some photos of a new back pack he was planning to introduce this winter at the ATA show. As luck would have it, another friend, Brandon Wireman had come around with a really tremendous deer he took the previous evening. We managed to put Brandon and his buck to work right away. To light the above shot, we used a pair of Elinchrom Rangers with just reflectors to add some hi-lights and open a few shadows. The sun did the rest. For the shots below we used a single Elinchrom with a smallish umbrella to soften the light a bit but to also keep a hard edge on it by moving it a bit further back than what would normally be optimal. The fog rising from the pond in the early morning, which is a relatively unfamiliar time frame for me, along with being able to shoot nearly directly into the rising sun, hence the flare and apeture spots, really make the photos for me giving a really cool, dramtic feel. Mike from Game Plan Gear tells me that some of these shots are being used larger than life on his ATA booth and will be on both the front and back covers of their 2013 catalog. I'm looking forward to seeing it all in about a week at the Archery Trade Assoc. show in Louisville!